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Image Credit: National Biodiversity Data Centre & NRN

Image Credit: National Biodiversity Data Centre & NRN

The National Biodiversity Data Centre is looking for your help to track the effects of weather and climate change on wildlife in your locality. Nature has many natural events that are influenced by the changing seasons. Farmers are very familiar with these events as they observe these events annually each season.

The National Biodiversity Data Centre are seeking your help to record when you first observe some of these key natural events each year. This information will help to build a biological record over time that will help answer questions like:

  • What effect has recent weather had on wildlife?
  • How is climate change affecting timings in nature?

The 8 natural events of interest:  8

  1. On what date did you first see frog spawn on your farm?
  2. On what date did you see the first Primrose flower on your farm?
  3. On what date did your Blackthorn hedge flower on your farm?
  4. On what date did you see the first Orange-tip butterfly on your farm?
  5. On what date did you first see the Grey Mining Bee flying on your farm?
  6. On what date did you first see a Large Red Damselfly on your farm?
  7. On what date did you hear the first Cuckoo on your farm?
  8. On what date did you see your first Barn Swallow on your farm?

Visit biodiversityireland.ie  and become involved by reporting when you first observe any of the events listed above on your farm or in your locality. By reporting these events across the country, you will help build a better understanding of climate change in Ireland and how it is affecting our wildlife. Click here for further information.

Source: National Biodiversity Data Centre & NRN

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