Hen Harrier Project





Project Details

Geographical location (NUTS3) Border; West; Midlands; South-West & Mid-West Region


Main Funding Source Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 56 of Reg.1305/2013)
Project Duration 2017 – 2022
Total Budget €25,000,000


This EIP-AGRI Project is a €25 million locally targeted conservation programme building strong partnerships with farmers to deliver sustainable benefits for biodiversity, upland ecosystems and a vibrant local rural economy.

  • You can find a full description of this project’s rationale, aims, objectives and activities on page 6 of the NRN’s ‘EIP-AGRI: Ireland’s Operational Groups’ Booklet. Please see: https://bit.ly/2Ptv0vA
  • The EIP-AGRI Service Point Operational Group abstract for this project can be found here

Hen Harrier Project – Lessons Learned

Project Manager of the Hen Harrier Project, Fergal Monaghan, provided an update of the various innovative methods being tested by, and subsequent lessons learned from this EIP-AGRI Operational Group project at the EIP-AGRI Symposium entitled ‘Sharing lessons learned and how these might help to inform Ireland’s CAP Strategic plan’ at the Burren Winterage School 2020 held via Zoom.

You can view this presentation here.

Hen Harrier Project – Training Videos

The Hen Harrier EIP-AGRI Project have produced a series of videos addressing some of the key issues faced by farmers in the breeding Hen Harrier SPAs, and outline solutions to many of them. You can view these videos on the Hen Harrier Project’s Vimeo page. Please see: https://vimeo.com/user114198369

Hen Harrier Project – Publication Examples

Insightful publications from the Hen Harrier Project are freely available to view/download from the project’s website. Please see: http://www.henharrierproject.ie/resources.html

Hen Harrier Project – Contact Details

Hen Harrier Project Manager: Fergal Monaghan

Hen Harrier Project Email:  info@henharrierproject.ie

Hen Harrier Project Website: http://www.henharrierproject.ie/

Hen Harrier Project Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/henharrierproject/

Hen Harrier Project Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/HenHarrierProj